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Hecate Strait - northern half: Regional Summary

Buoys [ Land Stations ]

This table is a summary of weather conditions from buoys in a marine area.
Please note that these observations might not always be representative of weather conditions over their associated marine area.

Wind(knots) Wave height(m) Wave period(s) Pressure(kPa) Air tempC) Water tempC)
Dixon Entrance Central - 46145 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
ESE 19 gusts 26 2.10 16.7 102.6 7 8
East Dellwood - 46207 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 12 gusts 17 3.10 11.8 102.7 8 9
Nanakwa Shoal - 46181 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
N 12 gusts 17 0.17 3.1 103.2 3 6
North Hecate Strait - 46183 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 16 gusts 21 1.08 4.3 102.7 8 9
North Nomad - 46184 03:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
N/A 4.80 10.2 101.3 8 7
South Hecate Strait - 46185 03:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
E 14 gusts 18 1.40 9.1 102.8 7 9
South Moresby - 46147 03:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 15 gusts 19 2.90 9.5 102.6 9 10
South Nomad - 46036 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
S 22 gusts 26 3.00 N/A 102.3 N/A N/A
West Dixon Entrance - 46205 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SSE 19 gusts 23 3.32 15.4 102.4 7 8
West Moresby - 46208 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 21 gusts 26 3.27 16.7 102.5 8 9
West Sea Otter - 46204 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
E 17 gusts 22 2.52 11.1 102.8 8 9

If you require additional historical weather information please visit Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Land Stations [ Buoys ]

This table is a summary of weather conditions from weather stations in a marine area.
Please note that these observations might not always be representative of weather conditions over their associated marine area.

Wind(knots) Conditions Visibility(km) Pressure(kPa) Air tempC) Relative humidity(%) Dew pointC) Wind Chill
Bella Bella Airport 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SSE 2 Clear 16 103.0 0 100 0 -2
Bella Coola Airport 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SSE 2 N/A N/A 103.3 -3 98 -3 -4
Bonilla Island 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SSE 9 N/A N/A 102.8 7 85 4 *
Cape St.James 03:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 12 gusts 17 N/A N/A 102.7 6 100 6 *
Cathedral Point 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
N/A N/A N/A 103.1 4 91 3 *
Cumshewa Island 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 19 N/A N/A 102.8 8 99 7 *
Grey Islet 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
ENE 31 N/A N/A 102.9 4 86 1 *
Holland Rock 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
NE 7 N/A N/A 102.9 5 77 2 *
Kindakun Rocks 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 3 N/A N/A 102.6 6 92 5 *
Langara Island 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
ESE 11 gusts 16 N/A N/A 102.5 5 100 5 *
Lucy Islands Lightstation 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 5 N/A N/A N/A 5 85 3 *
Masset Municipal Airport 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SSE 8 N/A N/A 102.7 7 98 6 *
Prince Rupert Airport 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
ENE 5 Clear 16 102.9 0 97 -1 -3
Rose Spit 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 18 N/A N/A 102.8 7 98 7 *
Sandspit 04:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SE 14 N/A N/A 102.6 7 98 6 *
Sandspit Airport 04:18 AM PST 06 January 2025
SSE 17 Cloudy 11 102.7 7 98 6 *
Sartine Island 03:00 AM PST 06 January 2025
SSE 9 N/A N/A 102.9 6 100 6 *

If you require additional historical weather information, please visit Climate Data Online

[ Buoys ] [ Land Stations ]

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Map of Pacific - North Coast marine weather areas Middle Nomad - 46004 South Nomad - 46036 Dixon Entrance Central - 46145 South Moresby - 46147 Nanakwa Shoal - 46181 North Hecate Strait - 46183 North Nomad - 46184 South Hecate Strait - 46185 West Sea Otter - 46204 West Dixon Entrance - 46205 East Dellwood - 46207 West Moresby - 46208 Sartine Island Cape St.James Kindakun Rocks Langara Island Masset Municipal Airport Rose Spit Sandspit Airport Bella Bella Airport Bella Coola Airport Bonilla Island Cathedral Point Cumshewa Island Grey Islet Holland Rock Lucy Islands Lightstation Prince Rupert Airport
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