Weather Summaries
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Weather summary for British Columbia issued by Environment Canada at 4:49 p.m. PST Monday 13 January 2025. Discussion. The following areas will have set a daily maximum temperature record on January 13, 2025 (temperature values given in degrees Celsius): FORT NELSON AREA (Fort Nelson) Preliminary new record of 6.7 Old record of -0.9 set in 2002 Records in this area have been kept since 1937 SANDSPIT AREA (Sandspit Airport Auto) Preliminary new record of 11.2 Old record of 10.9 set in 1994 Records in this area have been kept since 1945 Note: the temperature records reported here have been derived from a selection of historical stations in each geographic area that were active during the period of record. Please note that this summary may contain preliminary or unofficial information and does not constitute a complete or final report. End/PSPC
No weather summaries at this time.
No weather summaries at this time.
No weather summaries at this time.
No weather summaries at this time.
Weather summary for the Northwest Territories issued by Environment Canada at 11:37 p.m. MST Monday 13 January 2025. Discussion. The following areas set a daily maximum temperature record on January 13, 2025 (temperature values given in degrees Celsius): FORT LIARD AREA New record of 8.6 Old record of -2.5 set in 1990 Records in this area have been kept since 1973 FORT SIMPSON AREA New record of -6.2 Old record of -9.1 set in 2002 Records in this area have been kept since 1895 INUVIK AREA New record of 0.5 Old record of -1.7 set in 1993 Records in this area have been kept since 1957 NAHANNI BUTTE AREA New record of 8.7 Old record of -5.4 set in 1993 Records in this area have been kept since 1957 PAULATUK AREA New record of -4.8 Old record of -6.0 set in 1993 Records in this area have been kept since 1985 TUKTOYAKTUK AREA New record of -0.1 Old record of -3.1 set in 1993 Records in this area have been kept since 1948 Note: the temperature records reported here have been derived from a selection of historical stations in each geographic area that were active during the period of record. Please note that this summary may contain preliminary or unofficial information and does not constitute a complete or final report. End/PASPC
No weather summaries at this time.
No weather summaries at this time.
No weather summaries at this time.
No weather summaries at this time.
No weather summaries at this time.
Weather summary for Yukon issued by Environment Canada at 5:48 p.m. MST Monday 13 January 2025. Discussion. The following areas will have set a daily maximum temperature record on January 13, 2025 (temperature values given in degrees Celsius): CARMACKS AREA (Carmacks CS) Preliminary new record of 2.9 Old record of 2.5 set in 1997 Records in this area have been kept since 1963 FARO AREA (Faro (AUT)) Preliminary new record of 3.5 Old record of 2.4 set in 2015 Records in this area have been kept since 1966 MAYO AREA (Mayo A) Preliminary new record of 5 Old record of 0.8 set in 1986 Records in this area have been kept since 1924 DAWSON AREA (Dawson) Preliminary new record of 0.8 Old record of -2.4 set in 1986 Records in this area have been kept since 1897 BEAVER CREEK AREA (Beaver Creek A) Preliminary new record of 4.7 Old record of -6 set in 1984 Records in this area have been kept since 1968 Note: the temperature records reported here have been derived from a selection of historical stations in each geographic area that were active during the period of record. Please note that this summary may contain preliminary or unofficial information and does not constitute a complete or final report. End/PSPC
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