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Marine Weather for: Arctic - Western Arctic

Click on the coloured marine region for which you would like the marine forecast or latest warning

Map of Arctic - Western Arctic marine weather areas Admiralty Amundsen Baillie Banks Barrow Bathurst Northwest Beaufort Byam Camsell Bend mile 290 to Tulita mile 512 Clarence - northern half Clarence - southern half Committee Coronation Dease Dolphin East Baffin - northern half Eureka - northern half Eureka - southern half Fort Good Hope mile 684 to Point Separation mile 913 Ulukhaktok Igloolik Jones - eastern half Jones - western half Kane - northern half Kane - southern half Lancaster - eastern half Lancaster - western half Larsen Mackenzie Maclean Maud McClintock McClure Melville Navy Board North Mackenzie North Tuktoyaktuk Norwegian Peel Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081 Pond Prince Alfred West Prince Alfred Prince of Wales Queens Rae Regent Robeson - northern half Robeson - southern half Roes Welcome - northern half St. Roch Tuktoyaktuk - northern half Tuktoyaktuk - southern half Tulita mile 512 to Fort Good Hope mile 684 West Baffin - northern half West Baffin - southern half West Foxe Yukon Coast Boothia Alert Axel Heiberg Ballantyne Bartlett Borden Brock CU4 Ellef Ringnes Ellesmere Fitzwilliam Greely Griper Gustaf Hassel Hazen Liddon Massey Peary Prince Patrick South Axel Heiberg South Ellef Ringnes South Prince Patrick South Sverdrup Ward Hunt Wilkins CT4 Nansen North Sverdrup North Prince Patrick CV4 CV5 CW3 CW4 CW5 CX4
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