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Atlantic - Newfoundland: Past 24 Hour Conditions


Blanc-Sablon Airport

04:00 AM AST 05 February 2025

This table is a summary of hourly weather conditions for the past 24 hours.
Please note that these observations might not always be representative of weather conditions over their associated marine area.

Date / Time
Wind(knots) Conditions Visibility(km) Pressure(kPa) Air tempC) Relative humidity(%) Dew pointC) Wind Chill
05 February 2025
4:00 NNW 11 gusts 17 Light Snow 3 99.9 -16 70 -20 -25
3:00 NW 13 Light Snow 3 99.8 -14 72 -18 -24
2:00 NNW 11 gusts 17 Light Snow 6 99.6 -13 71 -17 -21
1:00 NNW 10 Light Snow 24 99.6 -12 70 -16 -20
0:00 N 15 gusts 23 Cloudy 24 99.4 -11 70 -16 -21
04 February 2025
23:00 N 16 gusts 24 Light Snow and Drifting Snow 24 99.3 -11 71 -15 -20
22:00 N 14 gusts 24 Light Snow and Drifting Snow 16 99.1 -10 73 -14 -19
21:00 N 21 gusts 29 Light Snow and Drifting Snow 16 99.0 -9 76 -13 -19
20:00 NNW 23 gusts 33 Light Snow and Drifting Snow 5 98.8 -8 78 -11 -18
19:00 NNW 16 gusts 27 Light Snow and Drifting Snow 24 98.6 -6 79 -9 -15
18:00 NNE 19 gusts 28 Light Snow and Drifting Snow 24 98.3 -5 80 -8 -14
17:00 N 13 gusts 21 Drifting Snow 24 98.1 -4 80 -7 -11
16:00 NNW 4 Light Snow and Drifting Snow 10 97.9 -4 92 -5 -8
15:00 WSW 10 Light Snow and Drifting Snow 16 97.8 -4 88 -6 -10
14:00 SW 16 Drifting Snow 10 97.8 -4 85 -6 -11
13:00 SW 17 Cloudy 24 97.9 -4 86 -6 -11
12:00 SW 16 Drifting Snow 24 98.0 -2 86 -4 -10
11:00 SE 15 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 0.8 98.2 -3 94 -4 -10
10:00 ESE 17 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 0.6 98.3 -4 96 -4 -11
9:00 ESE 17 gusts 22 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 0.6 98.6 -4 94 -5 -12
8:00 ESE 16 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 1 98.8 -5 93 -6 -13
7:00 E 15 gusts 19 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 1 99.0 -6 92 -7 -14
6:00 ESE 15 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 1 99.2 -6 92 -7 -14
5:00 ESE 16 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 1 99.5 -7 92 -8 -15
4:00 ESE 18 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 0.8 99.8 -7 92 -8 -15

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Map of Atlantic - Newfoundland marine weather areas Banquereau - 44139 East Chedabucto Bay – 44488 West Chedabucto Bay – 44489 Blanc-Sablon Airport Cap Whittle Chevery Natashquan Airport Heath Point Îles de la Madeleine Airport Miscou Island Eskasoni (First Nations) Grand Étang Ingonish Beach North Mountain St.Paul Island J.A. Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport Charlottetown Airport East Point North Cape Argentia Berry Hill Bonavista Burgeo Cape Race Corner Brook Daniel's Harbour Englee Ferolle Point La Scie Port aux Basques Sagona Island St. Anthony Airport St. John's Int'l Airport St. Lawrence Stephenville Airport Twillingate Winterland Branch Hill Wreckhouse Grates Cove Pool's Island Marticot Island Long Pond Cartwright Airport Mary's Harbour
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