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Western Lake Superior: Past 24 Hour Conditions


Kenora Airport

02:00 AM CST 05 February 2025

This table is a summary of hourly weather conditions for the past 24 hours.
Please note that these observations might not always be representative of weather conditions over their associated marine area.

Date / Time
Wind(knots) Conditions Visibility(km) Pressure(kPa) Air tempC) Relative humidity(%) Dew pointC) Wind Chill
05 February 2025
2:00 W 3 Mostly Cloudy 32 103.5 -22 74 -25 -27
1:00 WNW 6 Mostly Cloudy 32 103.6 -22 72 -26 -30
0:00 W 5 Partly Cloudy 32 103.6 -22 71 -26 -29
04 February 2025
23:00 WSW 4 Partly Cloudy 32 103.7 -23 71 -26 -29
22:00 WNW 4 Mostly Cloudy 32 103.7 -21 66 -25 -27
21:00 WNW 4 Partly Cloudy 32 103.8 -20 68 -25 -26
20:00 W 5 Partly Cloudy 32 103.8 -20 65 -25 -26
19:00 WNW 6 Mostly Cloudy 32 103.9 -19 66 -24 -27
18:00 W 4 Mostly Cloudy 32 103.9 -19 66 -24 -25
17:00 WNW 4 Mostly Cloudy 32 103.9 -18 61 -24 -24
16:00 WSW 9 Mostly Cloudy 32 103.9 -17 59 -23 -26
15:00 W 7 Partly Cloudy 32 103.9 -17 62 -23 -25
14:00 WNW 8 Mostly Cloudy 32 103.9 -17 59 -23 -25
13:00 WNW 5 Mostly Cloudy 32 104.0 -19 62 -24 -26
12:00 NNW 6 Mostly Cloudy 32 104.1 -20 71 -24 -28
11:00 WNW 8 Mostly Cloudy 32 104.1 -22 77 -25 -32
10:00 NW 6 Partly Cloudy 32 104.1 -24 80 -27 -33
9:00 W 5 Mostly Cloudy 32 104.1 -25 80 -28 -34
8:00 NW 6 Mainly Sunny 32 103.9 -26 80 -28 -35
7:00 W 5 Mainly Clear 32 103.9 -26 80 -28 -34
6:00 NW 8 Mainly Clear 32 103.8 -25 80 -27 -35
5:00 W 7 Partly Cloudy 32 103.8 -25 80 -27 -34
4:00 WNW 5 Clear 32 103.7 -24 82 -26 -32
3:00 NW 6 Clear 32 103.7 -24 81 -26 -32
2:00 NW 6 Mainly Clear 32 103.7 -23 82 -26 -32

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Map of Great Lakes - Lake Superior marine weather areas Slate Island - 45136 Lake Of the Woods - 45148 Kenora Airport Royal Island Armstrong Airport Caribou Island Marathon Airport Pukaskwa National Park Thunder Bay Airport Welcome Island Little Flatland Island Sault Ste. Marie Airport Wawa Airport
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