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McClintock: Past 24 Hour Conditions


Cambridge Bay Airport

10:00 PM MST 04 February 2025

This table is a summary of hourly weather conditions for the past 24 hours.
Please note that these observations might not always be representative of weather conditions over their associated marine area.

Date / Time
Wind(knots) Conditions Visibility(km) Pressure(kPa) Air tempC) Relative humidity(%) Dew pointC) Wind Chill
04 February 2025
22:00 NW 8 Mostly Cloudy 24 99.5 -19 76 -22 -28
21:00 NNW 6 Mostly Cloudy 24 99.5 -19 75 -22 -27
20:00 NNW 8 Mostly Cloudy 24 99.6 -19 73 -22 -27
19:00 NNW 9 Mostly Cloudy 24 99.6 -18 73 -22 -27
18:00 NNW 9 Mostly Cloudy 24 99.6 -18 75 -22 -27
17:00 NNW 12 Mostly Cloudy 24 99.6 -18 75 -21 -28
16:00 NNW 10 Mostly Cloudy 24 99.5 -17 80 -20 -26
15:00 NW 9 Mostly Cloudy 16 99.5 -17 81 -20 -26
14:00 NW 8 Mostly Cloudy 13 99.5 -17 81 -20 -25
13:00 NW 7 Mostly Cloudy 13 99.5 -17 82 -20 -25
12:00 NW 8 Mist 8 99.6 -17 80 -20 -25
11:00 WNW 8 Light Snow 4 99.6 -18 82 -20 -26
10:00 NW 14 Mist 4 99.7 -17 80 -20 -28
9:00 NW 11 Light Snow 4 99.7 -17 80 -20 -27
8:00 NW 17 gusts 22 Blowing Snow 4 99.7 -17 81 -19 -29
7:00 NW 16 Blowing Snow 4 99.8 -17 82 -19 -29
6:00 NW 22 Blowing Snow 1 99.8 -17 83 -19 -30
5:00 WNW 18 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 4 99.8 -17 82 -20 -30
4:00 W 16 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 2 99.9 -19 82 -21 -31
3:00 W 21 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 2 100.1 -20 82 -22 -33
2:00 W 16 gusts 24 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 3 100.2 -20 81 -23 -33
1:00 W 19 gusts 25 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 1 100.3 -20 81 -23 -34
0:00 W 24 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 0.8 100.4 -20 81 -23 -35
03 February 2025
23:00 W 25 gusts 30 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 0.6 100.6 -20 81 -23 -35
22:00 W 30 Light Snow and Blowing Snow 0.4 100.7 -21 80 -24 -37

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Map of Arctic - Western Arctic marine weather areas Herschel Island Komakuk Beach Shingle Point Airport Aklavik Airport Cape Parry Airport Fort Good Hope Airport Tulita Airport Inuvik Airport Keats Point Norman Wells Airport Paulatuk Airport Pelly Island Tuktoyaktuk Airport Liverpool Bay Little Chicago Storm Hills Bathurst Inlet Kugluktuk Airport Gjoa Haven Airport Hat Island Kugaaruk Airport Shepherd Bay Airport Croker River CFS Alert Arctic Bay Cambridge Bay Airport Cape Liverpool Cape Peel West Eureka Airport Fort Ross Gateshead Island Grise Fiord Airport Sanirajak (Hall Beach Airport) Igloolik Airport Isachsen Pond Inlet Airport Rea Point Naujaat Resolute Airport Stefansson Island Cape Stallworthy Taloyoak Airport Nangmagvik Lake Cape Providence Ulukhaktok Airport Sachs Harbour Airport Thomsen River Mould Bay
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