South Coast
Marine Forecast
Issued 08:00 PM NDT 30 March 2025
Tonight and Monday.
Wind west 20 knots veering to northwest 15 late overnight then diminishing to light Monday morning. Wind increasing to southeast 15 Monday afternoon and to southeast 25 Monday evening.
Snow or freezing rain Monday afternoon and evening changing to rain. Visibility 1 mile or less in snow.
Temperatures minus 3 to zero becoming minus 4 to zero overnight rising to plus 1 Monday evening.
Issued 06:00 PM NDT 30 March 2025
Tonight and Monday.
Seas 1 to 2 metres building to 2 to 3 this evening then subsiding
to 1 to 2 Monday morning.
Extended Forecast
Issued 03:30 PM NDT 30 March 2025
Wind southwest 25 to 35 knots.
Wind southwest 35 knots veering to northwest
25 to 35.
Wind northwest 25 knots diminishing to
Ice Forecast
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Ice Conditions
Ice Forecasts
Issued 10:00 AM EDT 30 March 2025 Today Tonight and MondayIce Edge
Ice edge estimated from Newfoundland near 4809N 5253W to 5012N 4758Wto 5458N 5130W to 5734N 5655W to 6122N 5833W to 6149N 5719W then
northeastward. Sea ice north then west of the ice edge.
Ice Coverage
Ice free.
Iceberg Bulletin
Issued 2:30 PM EDT 30 March 2025Iceberg Limit
Iceberg limit at 0000 UTC 31 Mar estimated from Newfoundland near4658N 5404W to 4410N 5045W to 4430N 4630W to 4655N 4040W to 5155N
4425W to 5510N 4705W to 5900N 5620W to 6110N 5505W to 5830N 4740W
then eastwards.
Western iceberg limit at 0000 UTC 31 Mar estimated from Quebec near
5015N 6057W to Newfoundland near 4833N 5849W.
Iceberg Count
No confirmed icebergs except less than 10 icebergs north of theiceberg limit.
No watches or warnings in effect.
Technical Marine Synopsis
Issued 8:00 PM NDT 30 March 2025 Tonight and Monday At 8:00 p.m. NDT tonight ridge located on a line northwest-southeastover the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
By 8:00 p.m. NDT Monday ridge located on a line northwest-southeast
over Belle Isle Bank.
At 8:00 p.m. NDT Monday approaching low 992 mb located over the
St. Lawrence River.
Marine Weather Statement
Issued 7:54 PM NDT 30 March 2025 Marine interests are advised that freezing spray warnings are ineffect for Strait of Belle Isle, Northeast Coast, and Belle Isle Bank
- northeastern half.
Atlantic - Maritimes Area
- Anticosti - northeastern half
- Anticosti - southwestern half
- Banquereau
- Bras d'Or Lakes
- Browns Bank
- Cabot Strait - northern half
- Cabot Strait - southern half
- Chaleur - Miscou
- Eastern Shore - eastern half
- Eastern Shore - western half
- East Coast
- East Scotian Slope - eastern half
- East Scotian Slope - western half
- Fourchu
- Fundy
- Georges Bank
- Grand Manan
- Gulf - Magdalen - northeastern half
- Gulf - Magdalen - southwestern half
- Gulf - Port au Port
- Halifax Harbour and Approaches
- LaHave Bank
- Laurentian Fan
- Lurcher
- L'Isle-aux-Coudres to Tadoussac
- Northumberland Strait
- Pointe à Michel to Pointe-des-Monts
- Pointe-des-Monts to Anticosti - northern half
- Pointe-des-Monts to Anticosti - southern half
- Sable - eastern half
- Sable - western half
- Southeastern Grand Banks
- Southwestern Grand Banks
- Southwestern Shore
- Southwest Coast
- South Coast
- Tadoussac to Pointe à Michel
- West Scotian Slope
Another Region
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