Atlantic - Maritimes
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Atlantic - Maritimes Area
- Anticosti - eastern half
- Anticosti - western half
- Banquereau - northwestern half
- Banquereau - southeastern half
- Bras d'Or Lakes
- Browns Bank
- Cabot Strait
- Chaleur - Miscou
- Eastern Shore - eastern half
- Eastern Shore - western half
- East Coast
- East Scotian Slope
- Fourchu
- Fundy
- Georges Bank
- Grand Manan
- Gulf - Magdalen - eastern half
- Gulf - Magdalen - western half
- Gulf - Port au Port
- Halifax Harbour and Approaches
- LaHave Bank
- Laurentian Fan
- Lurcher
- L'Isle-aux-Coudres to Tadoussac
- Northumberland Strait
- Pointe à Michel to Pointe-des-Monts
- Pointe-des-Monts to Anticosti - northern half
- Pointe-des-Monts to Anticosti - southern half
- Sable - eastern half
- Sable - western half
- Southeastern Grand Banks
- Southwestern Grand Banks
- Southwestern Shore
- Southwest Coast
- South Coast
- Tadoussac to Pointe à Michel
- West Scotian Slope
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