Halifax Harbour and Approaches
Marine Forecast
Issued 08:00 PM AST 07 March 2025
Tonight and Saturday.
Wind southwest 20 knots except southwest 30 in the Approaches. Wind becoming west 30 late overnight with gusts to 40 in the Approaches overnight and Saturday morning. Wind diminishing to west 15 Saturday evening with gusts to 25.
Scattered flurries ending Saturday morning.
Risk of freezing spray tonight and Saturday morning.
Temperatures near minus 1.
Strong wind warning program has ended for the season.
Extended Forecast
Issued 03:30 PM AST 07 March 2025
Wind west 20 knots.
Wind west 15 to 20 knots.
Wind southwest 15 knots.
Ice Forecast
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Ice Conditions
Ice Forecasts
Issued 10:00 AM EST 7 March 2025 Today Tonight and SaturdayIce Edge
Ice edge estimated from 4417N 6722W to 4300N 6530W to 4538N 5839W to4650N 5717W to 4625N 5530W. Sea ice north of the ice edge.
Ice Coverage
Open water.
No watches or warnings in effect.
Technical Marine Synopsis
Issued 8:00 PM AST 7 March 2025 Tonight and Saturday At 8:00 p.m. AST tonight low 972 mb located over Anticosti Island.By 3:00 a.m. AST Saturday low 964 mb located over the Quebec Lower
North Shore.
At 8:00 p.m. AST Saturday departing low 950 mb located northeast
of Labrador Coast.
Marine Weather Statement
Issued 7:26 PM AST 7 March 2025 A low pressure system is tracking northward to lie near AnticostiIsland this evening. Gale to storm force westerly winds will continue
to affect the marine district tonight.
Marine interests are advised that storm warning are in effect for
Georges Bank, West Scotian Slope, East Scotian Slope and Laurentian
Fan - southern half. Gale warnings are in effect for all other
maritime waters except Cabot Strait - southern half.
Freezing spray warnings are in effect for Fundy, Grand Manan, Cabot
Strait, and all Gulf of St. Lawrence waters.
Atlantic - Maritimes Area
- Anticosti - northeastern half
- Anticosti - southwestern half
- Banquereau
- Bras d'Or Lakes
- Browns Bank
- Cabot Strait - northern half
- Cabot Strait - southern half
- Chaleur - Miscou - eastern half
- Chaleur - Miscou - western half
- Eastern Shore
- East Coast
- East Scotian Slope
- Fourchu
- Fundy
- Georges Bank
- Grand Manan
- Gulf - Magdalen
- Gulf - Port au Port
- Halifax Harbour and Approaches
- LaHave Bank
- Laurentian Fan - northern half
- Laurentian Fan - southern half
- Lurcher
- L'Isle-aux-Coudres to Tadoussac
- Northumberland Strait - eastern half
- Northumberland Strait - western half
- Pointe à Michel to Pointe-des-Monts
- Pointe-des-Monts to Anticosti - northern half
- Pointe-des-Monts to Anticosti - southern half
- Sable
- Southeastern Grand Banks
- Southwestern Grand Banks
- Southwestern Shore
- Southwest Coast
- South Coast
- Tadoussac to Pointe à Michel
- West Scotian Slope
Another Region
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