Marine Forecast
Issued 08:00 PM AST 18 December 2024
Tonight and Thursday.
Wind southwest 15 knots veering to northwest 20 early Thursday afternoon then to north 15 Thursday evening.
Periods of rain and fog patches overnight and Thursday morning.
Strong wind warning program has ended for the season.
Issued 05:00 PM AST 18 December 2024
Tonight and Thursday.
Seas 1 metre.
Extended Forecast
Issued 03:30 PM AST 18 December 2024
Wind variable 10 to 15 knots increasing to
northeast 20 in the afternoon.
Wind northeasterly 25 knots.
Wind northwest 15 knots.
Ice Forecast
Issued 10:00 AM EST 18 December 2024 Today Tonight and Thursday Open water.
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Ice Conditions
Ice Forecasts
Issued 10:00 AM EST 18 December 2024 Today Tonight and ThursdayIce Edge
First ice edge estimated from Nova Scotia near 4553N 6155W to PrinceEdward Island near 4626N 6200W. Sea ice west of the ice edge.
Second ice edge estimated from Prince Edward Island near 4627N 6244W
to 4724N 6430W to 4841N 6357W to Gaspe Peninsula near 4852N 6413W.
Sea ice west of the ice edge.
Third ice edge estimated from Gaspe Peninsula near 4912N 6611W to
4947N 6541W to 4903N 6255W to Anticosti Island near 4904N 6216W. Sea
ice northwest then northeast of the ice edge.
Fourth ice edge estimated from Anticosti Island near 4955N 6358W to
4958N 6010W to 5103N 5751W to Newfoundland near 4900N 5830W. Sea ice
north then east of the ice edge.
Ice Coverage
Open water.
No watches or warnings in effect.
Technical Marine Synopsis
Issued 8:00 PM AST 18 December 2024 Tonight and Thursday At 8:00 p.m. AST tonight low 1014 mb located southwest of LongIsland.
By 8:00 p.m. AST Thursday low 1003 mb located northeast of
Marine Weather Statement
Issued 7:32 PM AST 18 December 2024 A developing low southwest of Long Island will move to lie overBanquereau on Thursday afternoon. Strong to gale force
southwesterlies ahead of the system will shift to strong westerlies
in its wake.
Marine interests are advised that gale warnings are in effect for
East Scotian Slope, Banquereau, Laurentian Fan.
Atlantic - Maritimes Area
- Anticosti
- Banquereau
- Bras d'Or Lakes
- Browns Bank
- Cabot Strait - northern half
- Cabot Strait - southern half
- Chaleur - Miscou
- Eastern Shore - eastern half
- Eastern Shore - western half
- East Coast
- East Scotian Slope
- Fourchu
- Fundy
- Georges Bank
- Grand Manan
- Gulf - Magdalen
- Gulf - Port au Port
- Halifax Harbour and Approaches
- LaHave Bank
- Laurentian Fan
- Lurcher
- L'Isle-aux-Coudres to Tadoussac
- Northumberland Strait - eastern half
- Northumberland Strait - western half
- Pointe à Michel to Pointe-des-Monts
- Pointe-des-Monts to Anticosti - northern half
- Pointe-des-Monts to Anticosti - southern half
- Sable - eastern half
- Sable - western half
- Southeastern Grand Banks
- Southwestern Grand Banks
- Southwestern Shore
- Southwest Coast
- South Coast
- Tadoussac to Pointe à Michel
- West Scotian Slope
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