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Northumberland Strait


Marine Forecast

Issued 03:30 PM ADT 31 March 2025

Tonight and Tuesday.

Wind southerly 15 to 20 knots veering to southwest 20 to 25 early this evening then diminishing to variable 15 Tuesday morning. Wind increasing to northwest 20 Tuesday afternoon and to northwest 30 Tuesday evening.

Showers changing to rain Tuesday morning then to snow or freezing rain Tuesday afternoon. Fog patches forming early this evening and dissipating Tuesday afternoon.

Temperatures minus 1 rising to plus 4 Tuesday morning.

Extended Forecast

Issued 03:30 PM ADT 31 March 2025
Wednesday Wind northwest 25 knots diminishing to northwest 15 in the afternoon.
Thursday Wind light increasing to southeast 20 knots.
Friday Wind variable 10 to 15 knots increasing to north 25.

Ice Forecast

Issued 10:00 AM EDT 31 March 2025 Today Tonight and Tuesday Open water. 

[ Canadian Ice Service ]

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Atlantic - Newfoundland marine weather areas Banquereau - 44139 East Chedabucto Bay – 44488 West Chedabucto Bay – 44489 Blanc-Sablon Airport Cap Whittle Chevery Natashquan Airport Heath Point Îles de la Madeleine Airport Miscou Island Eskasoni (First Nations) Grand Étang Ingonish Beach North Mountain St.Paul Island J.A. Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport Charlottetown Airport East Point North Cape Argentia Berry Hill Bonavista Burgeo Cape Race Corner Brook Daniel's Harbour Englee Ferolle Point La Scie Port aux Basques Sagona Island St. Anthony Airport St. John's Int'l Airport St. Lawrence Stephenville Airport Twillingate Winterland Branch Hill Wreckhouse Grates Cove Pool's Island Marticot Island Long Pond Cartwright Airport Mary's Harbour
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

Ice Forecasts

Issued 10:00 AM EDT 31 March 2025 Today Tonight and Tuesday

Ice Edge

First ice edge estimated from Cape Breton near 4620N 6017W to 4656N
6003W to 4753N 6116W to 4754N 6327W to Anticosti Island near 4923N
6335W. Sea ice south and west of the ice edge.

Second ice edge estimated from Anticosti Island near 4948N 6315W to
4948N 5942W to 5031N 5752W to Newfoundland near 4847N 5846W. Sea ice
north and east of the ice edge.

Ice Coverage

Open water.


No watches or warnings in effect.


Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 3:30 PM ADT 31 March 2025 Tonight and Tuesday At 3:30 p.m. ADT today warm front located on a line east-west over
the Maritimes.
By 3:00 a.m. ADT Tuesday warm front located from the Gaspe Peninsula
to Newfoundland.

At 10:00 a.m. ADT Tuesday cold front located from the Gulf of
Maine to Anticosti Island.
By 8:00 p.m. ADT Tuesday cold front located from East Scotian
Slope to Banquereau.

Marine Weather Statement

Issued 3:20 PM ADT 31 March 2025 A warm front over southwestern waters will move northeastward to lie
north of the marine district Tuesday morning. A cold front will move
eastward across the marine district on Tuesday and Tuesday night.

Strong to gale force southeasterlies ahead of the warm front will
veer to strong to gale force southwesterlies in its wake. Winds will
veer to strong to gale force northwesterlies on Tuesday behind the
cold front.

Marine interests are advised that gale warnings are in effect for
Georges Bank, West Scotian Slope, eastern shore - eastern half, Sable
- eastern half, East Scotian Slope, Fourchu, Banquereau, Laurentian
Fan, Cabot Strait, Gulf Magdalen, Chaleur-Miscou and Anticosti.

Atlantic - Newfoundland Area

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