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Resolution - eastern half


Marine Forecast

Issued 05:30 PM EST 04 February 2025

Tonight and Wednesday.

Wind west 20 to 25 knots tonight and Wednesday.

Periods of snow. Visibility 1 mile or less in snow.

Temperatures near minus 19.


Issued 05:30 PM EST 04 February 2025
Tonight and Wednesday. Mainly ice covered.

Extended Forecast

Issued 05:30 PM EST 04 February 2025
Thursday Wind west 25 knots diminishing to west 15 in the morning.
Friday Wind southwest 15 knots becoming east 15 late in the day.
Saturday Wind northeast 15 knots increasing to northeast 30 late in the day.

Ice Forecast

Issued 11:00 AM EST 4 February 2025 Today Tonight and Wednesday Ice pressure warning in effect. 8 tenths grey-white ice including 3 tenths first-year ice except 9 plus tenths first-year ice in the southwestern and extreme eastern section. Consolidated first-year ice along parts of the coasts. Strong ice pressure along parts of the coast near Killiniq today and continuing Wednesday. 

[ Canadian Ice Service ]

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Map of Atlantic - Labrador marine weather areas Kangiqsualujjuaq Airport Cape Kakkiviak Cape Kiglapait Cartwright Airport CFB Goose Bay Hopedale Mary's Harbour Nain Airport Makkovik Airport Saglek Tukialik Bay
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Ice Conditions

Ice Forecasts

Issued 11:00 AM EST 4 February 2025 Today Tonight and Wednesday

Ice Edge

Ice edge is outside the forecast region.

Ice Coverage

Ice pressure warning in effect.

8 tenths grey-white ice including 3 tenths first-year ice except 9
plus tenths first-year ice in the southwestern and extreme eastern
section. Consolidated first-year ice along parts of the coasts.
Strong ice pressure along parts of the coast near Killiniq today and
continuing Wednesday.


Warnings (In effect)

Ice pressure warning in effect

Resolution - eastern half

Issued 11:00 AM EST 04 February 2025

Navigators in this marine area should be on the lookout for hazardous ice conditions and take necessary safety precautions. Please refer to the latest ice forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio stations.


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