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Chaleur - Miscou


Marine Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM AST 16 January 2025

Today Tonight and Friday.

Wind northwest 15 knots diminishing to light this afternoon. Wind light tonight and Friday.

Risk of freezing spray this morning.

Temperatures near minus 5.

Extended Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM AST 16 January 2025
Saturday Wind southerly 15 knots increasing to south 25 to 30 in the afternoon.
Sunday Wind south 25 to 30 knots diminishing to north 20 to 25.
Monday Wind northerly 25 to 35 knots backing to west 35.

Ice Forecast

Issued 10:00 AM EST 15 January 2025 Today Tonight and Thursday Open water except 2 tenths grey ice along parts of the coasts. Consolidated grey ice along parts of the coasts. 

[ Canadian Ice Service ]

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Weather Conditions

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Map of St. Lawrence - St. Lawrence River marine weather areas Lake Nipissing - 45152 North Bay Airport Beauport Deschambault Île d'Orléans L'Assomption Trois-Rivières Airport L'Isle-aux-Grues Lac Saint-Pierre Montréal-Trudeau Int'l Airport Saint-Hubert Airport Lac Memphrémagog Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Saint-Anicet Baie-Comeau Airport Cap-Rouge Île Rouge Pointe de l'Islet Pointe Claveau Sept-Îles Airport Pointe-des-Monts Pointe-Noire Cap-d'Espoir Rivière-la-Madeleine Gaspé Airport La Pocatière Mont-Joli Airport New Carlisle Pointe-au-Père Port Menier Île Bicquette Cap-Chat CFB Bagotville Jonquière Mistook Normandin Roberval Airport Bas Caraquet Bathurst Airport Charlo Miramichi Fundy Park (Alma) Grand Manan Kouchibouguac Kouchibouguac Miscou Island Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc Int'l Airport Point Lepreau Saint John Airport St. Stephen Brier Island Yarmouth Airport North Cape
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

Ice Forecasts

Issued 10:00 AM EST 15 January 2025 Today Tonight and Thursday

Ice Edge

First ice edge estimated from Nova Scotia near 4553N 6156W to 4632N
6150W to 4640N 6315W to 4730N 6430W to 4853N 6350W to 4945N 6530W to
Anticosti Island near 4951N 6431W. Sea ice west of the ice edge.

Second ice edge estimated from Anticosti Island near 4950N 6327W to
5000N 6000W to 5057N 5741W to 4929N 5841W to Newfoundland near 4908N
5824W. Sea ice northeast of the ice edge.

Third ice edge estimated from 4745N 6115W to 4730N 6200W to 4710N
6210W to 4710N 6140W to 4745N 6115W. Sea ice within the ice edge.

Ice Coverage

Open water except 2 tenths grey ice along parts of the coasts.
Consolidated grey ice along parts of the coasts.


No watches or warnings in effect.


Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 3:00 AM AST 16 January 2025 Today Tonight and Friday At 3:00 a.m. AST today departing low 980 mb located east of the
Grand Banks.

At 3:00 a.m. AST today ridge located from Quebec to New England.
By 8:00 p.m. AST tonight ridge located on a line north-south over
the Marine District.

St. Lawrence - St. Lawrence River Area

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