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Western Lake Superior


Marine Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM EST 05 February 2025

Today Tonight and Thursday.

Gale warning in effect.

Wind northwest 15 knots diminishing to southwest 10 near noon then increasing to south 20 this evening. Wind veering to southwest 25 Thursday morning then increasing to west 35 near noon Thursday. Wind diminishing to northwest 30 Thursday evening.

Scattered flurries ending this morning. Snow beginning near midnight and changing to scattered flurries near noon Thursday. Visibility 1 mile or less in precipitation.

Freezing spray warning in effect.

Risk of freezing spray this morning. Moderate freezing spray beginning Thursday afternoon becoming severe Thursday evening.


Issued 03:00 AM EST 05 February 2025
Today Tonight and Thursday. Waves 1 metre subsiding to 0.5 this afternoon then building to 1 near midnight. Waves building to 2 Thursday morning and to 3 Thursday afternoon.

Extended Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM EST 05 February 2025
Friday Wind northwest 30 knots diminishing to northwest 20 in the morning.
Saturday Wind light.
Sunday Wind northwest 20 knots.

Ice Forecast*

Issued 12:00 PM EST 4 February 2025 Today Tonight and Wednesday Open water except 7 tenths thin lake ice including 3 tenths medium lake ice along parts of the southern shores. 7 tenths medium lake ice in Thunder Bay. Consolidated thick lake ice in Black Bay, Nipigon Bay and Chequamegon Bay.

*Ice Forecast and Warnings also apply to U.S. waters


[ Canadian Ice Service ]

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Great Lakes - Lake Superior marine weather areas Slate Island - 45136 Lake Of the Woods - 45148 Kenora Airport Royal Island Armstrong Airport Caribou Island Marathon Airport Pukaskwa National Park Thunder Bay Airport Welcome Island Little Flatland Island Sault Ste. Marie Airport Wawa Airport
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

*Ice Forecast and Warnings also apply to U.S. waters

Ice Forecasts

Issued 12:00 PM EST 4 February 2025 Today Tonight and Wednesday

Ice Coverage

Open water except 7 tenths thin lake ice including 3 tenths medium
lake ice along parts of the southern shores. 7 tenths medium lake
ice in Thunder Bay. Consolidated thick lake ice in Black Bay,
Nipigon Bay and Chequamegon Bay.


Warnings (In effect)

Gale warning in effect

Western Lake Superior

Issued 03:00 AM EST 05 February 2025

'Gale' force winds of 34 to 47 knots are occurring or expected to occur in this marine area. Watch for updated statements. Please refer to the latest marine forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio or Weatheradio stations.

Freezing spray warning in effect

Western Lake Superior

Issued 03:00 AM EST 05 February 2025

Moderate or severe freezing spray is occurring or expected to occur in this marine area. Please refer to the latest marine forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio or Weatheradio stations.


Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 3:00 AM EST 5 February 2025 Today Tonight and Thursday At 3:00 a.m. EST today ridge located on a line northwest-southeast
over southern Michigan.
By 3:00 a.m. EST Thursday departing ridge located on a line
northwest-southeast over Maine.

By 3:00 a.m. EST Thursday approaching warm front located on a line
east-west over Ohio.

By 3:00 a.m. EST Thursday trough located on a line north-south
over northwestern Ontario.

Great Lakes - Lake Superior Area

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