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Lake Winnipeg - north basin


Marine Forecast

Issued 04:30 PM CST 06 January 2025

Tonight and Tuesday.

Strong wind warning in effect.

Wind north 20 knots diminishing to north 10 late overnight then becoming light Tuesday morning. Wind becoming south 15 Tuesday evening.

Low tonight minus 25. High Tuesday minus 19.

Extended Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM CST 07 January 2025
Thursday Wind west 10 knots increasing to northwest 25 in the morning.
Friday Wind north 20 knots diminishing to light.
Saturday Wind light becoming north 15 knots late in the day.

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Hudson - Hudson Bay marine weather areas Arviat Airport Baker Lake Airport Chesterfield Inlet Airport Coral Harbour Airport Rankin Inlet Airport Sanikiluaq Airport Whale Cove Airport Kinngait (Cape Dorset Airport) Iqaluit Airport Wager Bay Kimmirut Airport Churchill Airport Fort Severn Airport Peawanuck Airport Moosonee Airport Eastmain Airport La Grande Rivière Airport Waskaganish Airport Wemindji Airport Akulivik Airport Inukjuak Airport Ivujivik Airport Kuujjuarapik Airport Puvirnituq Airport Umiujaq Airport Aupaluk Airport Kangiqsujuaq Airport Kangirsuk Airport Kangiqsualujjuaq Airport Kuujjuaq Airport Quaqtaq Airport Salluit Airport Tasiujaq Airport Cape Kakkiviak
buoy Buoy
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Ice Conditions

There is no ice forecast issued for this area.


Warnings (In effect)

Blizzard warning in effect

Lake Winnipeg - north basin

Issued 01:54 AM CST 16 January 2025 Heavy snowfall is expected Thursday evening into Friday with total amounts of 15 to 25 cm.

Then on Thursday night, winds will possibly gust up to 90 km/h over Lake Winnipegosis and 100 km/h over the North Basin of Lake Winnipeg, which will cause blizzard conditions on the ice.

Heavy Snow will taper off early Friday, and the strong winds with visibility restrictions will ease overnight on Friday.

Travel is expected to be hazardous due to reduced visibility. Visibility will be suddenly reduced to near zero at times in heavy snow and blowing snow. If you become stranded in a vehicle do not leave. The vehicle offers a form of protection from the cold. A single person walking through the snow is harder to find than a stranded car or truck.

Blizzard warnings are issued when widespread reduced visibilities of 400 metres or less are expected for at least 4 hours.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to or tweet reports using #MBStorm.


There is no Synopsis issued for this area. However, on occasion Marine Weather Statements will be posted here.

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