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North Labrador Coast


Marine Forecast

Issued 04:00 AM NST 21 January 2025

Today Tonight and Wednesday.

Gale warning in effect.

Wind northwest 35 to 45 knots backing to west 35 early this evening. Wind west 35 Wednesday.


Freezing spray warning in effect.

Over open water severe freezing spray.

Temperatures minus 18 to minus 13.


Issued 06:00 AM NST 21 January 2025
Today Tonight and Wednesday. Outside the ice edge seas 3 to 5 metres subsiding to 2 to 3 late overnight.

Extended Forecast

Issued 04:00 AM NST 21 January 2025
Thursday Wind west 25 to 35 knots.
Friday Wind northwest 25 knots.
Saturday Wind southwest 25 knots.

Ice Forecast

Issued 10:00 AM EST 20 January 2025 Today Tonight and Tuesday Bergy water except 4 tenths new ice including 1 tenth grey-white ice in the extreme northeastern section and along parts of the coast. Consolidated grey-white ice along parts of the coast. 

[ Canadian Ice Service ]

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Hudson - Hudson Bay marine weather areas Arviat Airport Baker Lake Airport Chesterfield Inlet Airport Coral Harbour Airport Rankin Inlet Airport Sanikiluaq Airport Whale Cove Airport Kinngait (Cape Dorset Airport) Iqaluit Airport Wager Bay Kimmirut Airport Churchill Airport Fort Severn Airport Peawanuck Airport Moosonee Airport Eastmain Airport La Grande Rivière Airport Waskaganish Airport Wemindji Airport Akulivik Airport Inukjuak Airport Ivujivik Airport Kuujjuarapik Airport Puvirnituq Airport Umiujaq Airport Aupaluk Airport Kangiqsujuaq Airport Kangirsuk Airport Kangiqsualujjuaq Airport Kuujjuaq Airport Quaqtaq Airport Salluit Airport Tasiujaq Airport Cape Kakkiviak
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

Ice Forecasts

Issued 10:00 AM EST 20 January 2025 Today Tonight and Tuesday

Ice Edge

Ice edge estimated from Newfoundland near 4749N 5247W to 4915N 5245W
to 5030N 5500W to 5400N 5500W to 5824N 6109W to 5937N 5850W to 6200N
5851W. Sea ice west of the ice edge.

Ice Coverage

Bergy water except 4 tenths new ice including 1 tenth grey-white ice
in the extreme northeastern section and along parts of the coast.
Consolidated grey-white ice along parts of the coast.


Iceberg Bulletin

Issued 1:30 PM EST 20 January 2025

Iceberg Limit

Iceberg limit at 0000 UTC 21 Jan estimated from the Labrador coast
near 5457N 5900W to 5530N 5615W to 5630N 5615W to 5910N 5900W to
6050N 5420W to 5840N 4955W then eastwards.

Iceberg Count

Unknown number of icebergs.

Warnings (In effect)

Gale warning in effect

North Labrador Coast

Issued 04:00 AM NST 21 January 2025

'Gale' force winds of 34 to 47 knots are occurring or expected to occur in this marine area. Watch for updated statements. Please refer to the latest marine forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio or Weatheradio stations.

Freezing spray warning in effect

North Labrador Coast

Issued 04:00 AM NST 21 January 2025

Moderate or severe freezing spray is occurring or expected to occur in this marine area. Please refer to the latest marine forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio or Weatheradio stations.


Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 4:00 AM NST 21 January 2025 Today Tonight and Wednesday At 4:00 a.m. NST today deepening low 964 mb located over the South
Labrador Sea.
By 4:00 a.m. NST Wednesday low 960 mb located north of Labrador Sea.

At 4:00 a.m. NST today trough from 964 mb low located on a line
north-south over Labrador Sea.
By 9:30 a.m. NST today departing trough from 961 mb low located
on a line northwest-southeast over the East Labrador Sea.

Marine Weather Statement

Issued 3:38 AM NST 21 January 2025 A deepening low pressure system over South Labrador Sea will track
northward to lie north of Labrador Sea this evening. Storm force
southeasterlies are expected east of the low while gale to storm
force northwesterlies to westerlies are expected to its west and

Marine interests are advised that storm warnings are in effect for
South Labrador Coast, Mid Labrador Coast - Hopedale and south, and
the Labrador Sea. Gale warnings are in effect for Mid Labrador Coast
- north of Hopedale and North Labrador Coast.

Marine interests are also advised that freezing spray warnings are in
effect for all areas with open water.

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