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Lake Winnipegosis


Marine Forecast

Issued 04:30 PM CST 06 January 2025

Tonight and Tuesday.

Wind north 15 knots diminishing to light early Tuesday morning then becoming south 10 near noon Tuesday.

Low tonight minus 24. High Tuesday minus 19.

Extended Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM CST 07 January 2025
Thursday Wind northwest 20 knots diminishing to west 10 in the afternoon then increasing to north 15 late in the day.
Friday Wind north 15 knots diminishing to southeast 10.
Saturday Wind southeast 10 knots backing to northeast 10.

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Hudson - Hudson Bay marine weather areas Arviat Airport Baker Lake Airport Chesterfield Inlet Airport Coral Harbour Airport Rankin Inlet Airport Sanikiluaq Airport Whale Cove Airport Kinngait (Cape Dorset Airport) Iqaluit Airport Wager Bay Kimmirut Airport Churchill Airport Fort Severn Airport Peawanuck Airport Moosonee Airport Eastmain Airport La Grande Rivière Airport Waskaganish Airport Wemindji Airport Akulivik Airport Inukjuak Airport Ivujivik Airport Kuujjuarapik Airport Puvirnituq Airport Umiujaq Airport Aupaluk Airport Kangiqsujuaq Airport Kangirsuk Airport Kangiqsualujjuaq Airport Kuujjuaq Airport Quaqtaq Airport Salluit Airport Tasiujaq Airport Cape Kakkiviak
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land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

There is no ice forecast issued for this area.


Warnings (In effect)

Extreme Cold Warning in effect

Lake Winnipegosis

Issued 04:19 AM CST 21 January 2025 A multi-day episode of very cold wind chills is expected.

Extreme wind chill values in the -40 to -45 range can be expected over the Manitoba Lakes until late Tuesday morning.

Extreme cold puts everyone at risk.

Watch for cold related symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain, muscle pain and weakness, numbness and colour change in fingers and toes.

Dress warmly. Dress in layers that you can remove if you get too warm. The outer layer should be wind resistant.

Cover up. Frostbite can develop within minutes on exposed skin, especially with wind chill.

Extreme cold warnings are issued when very cold temperatures or wind chill creates an elevated risk to health such as frost bite and hypothermia.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to or tweet reports using #MBStorm.


There is no Synopsis issued for this area. However, on occasion Marine Weather Statements will be posted here.

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