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Belcher - southern half


Marine Forecast

Issued 05:00 PM CST 15 January 2025

Tonight and Thursday.

Gale warning in effect.

Wind southwest 40 knots diminishing to southwest 30 this evening and to south 20 late overnight. Wind diminishing to northwest 15 near noon Thursday then increasing to northwest 20 Thursday afternoon.

Scattered flurries. Blowing snow ending late overnight. Visibility 1 mile or less in blowing snow and in flurries.

Freezing spray warning in effect.

Outside the ice edge severe freezing spray becoming moderate overnight.

Temperatures near minus 9.


Issued 05:00 PM CST 15 January 2025
Tonight and Thursday. Outside the ice edge seas 3 to 5 metres subsiding to 1 to 2 late overnight.

Extended Forecast

Issued 05:00 PM CST 15 January 2025
Friday Wind northwest 20 knots diminishing to light in the morning.
Saturday Wind light.
Sunday Wind light increasing to northwest 35 knots late in the day.

Ice Forecast

Issued 11:00 AM EST 15 January 2025 Today Tonight and Thursday 6 tenths grey ice including 1 tenth grey-white ice except 9 plus tenths grey-white ice including 2 tenths first-year ice in the southwestern section. Consolidated grey-white ice along parts of the coast. 

[ Canadian Ice Service ]

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Hudson - Hudson Bay marine weather areas Arviat Airport Baker Lake Airport Chesterfield Inlet Airport Coral Harbour Airport Rankin Inlet Airport Sanikiluaq Airport Whale Cove Airport Kinngait (Cape Dorset Airport) Iqaluit Airport Wager Bay Kimmirut Airport Churchill Airport Fort Severn Airport Peawanuck Airport Moosonee Airport Eastmain Airport La Grande Rivière Airport Waskaganish Airport Wemindji Airport Akulivik Airport Inukjuak Airport Ivujivik Airport Kuujjuarapik Airport Puvirnituq Airport Umiujaq Airport Aupaluk Airport Kangiqsujuaq Airport Kangirsuk Airport Kangiqsualujjuaq Airport Kuujjuaq Airport Quaqtaq Airport Salluit Airport Tasiujaq Airport Cape Kakkiviak
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

Ice Forecasts

Issued 11:00 AM EST 15 January 2025 Today Tonight and Thursday

Ice Edge

Ice edge is outside the forecast region.

Ice Coverage

6 tenths grey ice including 1 tenth grey-white ice except 9 plus
tenths grey-white ice including 2 tenths first-year ice in the
southwestern section. Consolidated grey-white ice along parts of the


Warnings (In effect)

Gale warning in effect

Belcher - southern half

Issued 5:00 PM CST 15 January 2025

'Gale' force winds of 34 to 47 knots are occurring or expected to occur in this marine area. Watch for updated statements. Please refer to the latest marine forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio or Weatheradio stations.

Freezing spray warning in effect

Belcher - southern half

Issued 5:00 PM CST 15 January 2025

Moderate or severe freezing spray is occurring or expected to occur in this marine area. Please refer to the latest marine forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio or Weatheradio stations.


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