Hecate Strait
Marine Forecast
Issued 04:03 AM PST 05 February 2025
Today Tonight and Thursday.
Wind northeast 15 to 25 knots becoming northeast 15 to 20 near noon except north 5 to 15 over northern sections. Wind becoming variable 5 to 15 early this evening then becoming light near midnight. Wind increasing to southeast 5 to 15 overnight and to southeast 20 to 30 Thursday morning.
Flurries Thursday.
Temperatures near zero.
Issued 04:00 AM PST 05 February 2025
Today Tonight and Thursday.
Seas 1 to 2 metres subsiding to 1 or less this morning then
building to 1 to 2 Thursday afternoon.
Extended Forecast
Issued 04:00 AM PST 05 February 2025
Wind southeast 15 to 25 knots becoming north 15
late in the day.
Wind northerly 5 to 15 knots.
Wind northerly 5 to 15 knots.
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Weather Conditions
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Land Station
Ice Conditions
There is no ice forecast issued for this area.
No watches or warnings in effect.
Technical Marine Synopsis
Issued 4:00 AM PST 5 February 2025 Today Tonight and Thursday At 4:00 a.m. PST today low located over southern Explorer.By 9:30 p.m. PST tonight weakening low located over southern
At 4:00 p.m. PST Thursday approaching low 1010 mb located over
northern Bowie.
At 4:00 a.m. PST today quasi-stationary ridge located over BC
Marine Weather Statement
Issued 3:43 AM PST 5 February 2025 A weakening low over Southern Explorer combined with a ridge over theinterior will continue to give gale force outflow winds to the
mainland inlets this morning. Winds will gradually ease near midday
today but redevelop Thursday afternoon over Dixon Entrance - east as
another low moves over the offshore waters.
Marine weather advisories are in effect for the risk of snow squalls
and waterspouts for areas west of Vancouver Island.
Mackenzie - Mackenzie River Area
- Amundsen
- Axe Point mile 91 to Camsell Bend mile 290
- Baillie
- Banks
- Bathurst
- Bowie - northern half
- Byam
- Camsell Bend mile 290 to Tulita mile 512
- Coronation
- Dease
- Dixon Entrance East
- Dixon Entrance West
- Dolphin
- Fort Good Hope mile 684 to Point Separation mile 913
- Great Slave Lake - basin
- Great Slave Lake - east arm
- Great Slave Lake - north arm
- Hecate Strait
- Lake Athabasca - eastern half
- Lake Athabasca - western half
- Larsen
- Mackenzie
- Maud
- McClintock
- McClure
- Melville
- North Mackenzie
- North Tuktoyaktuk
- Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081
- Prince Alfred
- Prince of Wales
- Rae
- Tuktoyaktuk - northern half
- Tuktoyaktuk - southern half
- Tulita mile 512 to Fort Good Hope mile 684
- Ulukhaktok
- West Coast Haida Gwaii
- Wrigley Harbour mile 0 to Axe Point mile 91
- Yukon Coast
Another Region
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