North Labrador Coast
Marine Forecast
Issued 04:00 PM NDT 31 March 2025
Tonight and Tuesday.
Wind light except west 15 to 20 knots over northern sections late this afternoon. Wind becoming north 15 to 20 Tuesday afternoon then veering to northeast 25 Tuesday evening.
Snow over southern sections Tuesday afternoon and evening. Visibility 1 mile or less in snow.
Risk of freezing spray late this afternoon. Risk of freezing spray Tuesday evening.
Temperatures near minus 16.
Issued 06:00 AM NDT 31 March 2025
Today Tonight and Tuesday.
Mainly ice covered.
Extended Forecast
Issued 04:00 PM NDT 31 March 2025
Wind north 35 to 45 knots becoming northwest
40 to 50 in the afternoon.
Wind northwest 25 to 35 knots becoming
northwest 25.
Wind west 15 knots.
Ice Forecast
Issued 10:00 AM EDT 31 March 2025 Today Tonight and Tuesday 9 tenths first-year ice except 9 plus tenths first-year ice
including a trace of old ice in the extreme eastern section.
Consolidated first-year ice along parts of the coast.
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Ice Conditions
Ice Forecasts
Issued 10:00 AM EDT 31 March 2025 Today Tonight and TuesdayIce Edge
Ice edge estimated from Newfoundland near 4809N 5253W to 5012N 4758Wto 5458N 5130W to 5734N 5655W to 6122N 5833W to 6149N 5719W then
northeastward. Sea ice north then west of the ice edge.
Ice Coverage
9 tenths first-year ice except 9 plus tenths first-year ice
including a trace of old ice in the extreme eastern section.
Consolidated first-year ice along parts of the coast.
Iceberg Bulletin
Issued 2:30 PM EDT 31 March 2025Iceberg Limit
Iceberg limit at 0000 UTC 31 Mar estimated from Newfoundland near4658N 5404W to 4410N 5045W to 4430N 4630W to 4655N 4040W to 5155N
4425W to 5510N 4705W to 5900N 5620W to 6110N 5505W to 5830N 4740W
then eastwards.
Western iceberg limit at 0000 UTC 31 Mar estimated from Quebec near
5015N 6057W to Newfoundland near 4833N 5849W.
Iceberg Count
Unknown number of icebergs.Warnings
No watches or warnings in effect.
Technical Marine Synopsis
Issued 4:00 PM NDT 31 March 2025 Tonight and Tuesday At 4:00 p.m. NDT today low 1003 mb located over the southern EastLabrador Sea.
By 4:00 a.m. NDT Tuesday departing low 1010 mb located southeast
of the East Labrador Sea.
At 4:00 p.m. NDT today ridge located from the Torngat Mountains
to the Grand Banks.
By 4:00 p.m. NDT Tuesday departing ridge located east of the East
Labrador Sea.
Marine Weather Statement
Issued 3:51 PM NDT 31 March 2025 An area of low pressure over the Southern East Labrador Sea willdeparting to the southeast tonight. Strong to gale force westerly to
northwesterly winds can be expected south and west of the low.
Marine interests are advised that gale warnings are in effect for
South Labrador Sea - eastern half and East Labrador Sea.
Marine interests are also advised that freezing spray warnings are in
effect for the Labrador Sea.
Arctic - Eastern Arctic Area
- Admiralty
- Arviat - eastern half
- Arviat - western half
- Baker
- Barrow
- Boothia
- Byam
- Central Brevoort - northern half
- Central Brevoort - southern half
- Central - eastern half
- Central - western half
- Clarence - northern half
- Clarence - southern half
- Coats - northern half
- Coats - southern half
- Committee
- Cumberland
- East Baffin - northern half
- East Baffin - southern half
- East Brevoort
- East Clyde
- East Davis - northern half
- East Davis - southern half
- East Foxe
- East Labrador Sea
- Eureka - southern half
- Frobisher Bay
- Hassel
- Igloolik
- Jones - eastern half
- Jones - western half
- Kane - southern half
- Lancaster - eastern half
- Lancaster - western half
- Larsen
- Maclean
- Massey
- Maud
- McClintock
- Mid Labrador Coast
- Navy Board
- Northwest Labrador Sea
- North Labrador Coast
- Norwegian
- Nottingham - eastern half
- Nottingham - western half
- Peary
- Peel
- Pond
- Prince Charles
- Puvirnituq - northern half
- Puvirnituq - southern half
- Queens
- Rae
- Rankin - northern half
- Rankin - southern half
- Regent
- Resolution - eastern half
- Resolution - western half
- Roes Welcome - northern half
- Roes Welcome - southern half
- South Labrador Sea - eastern half
- South Labrador Sea - western half
- South Sverdrup
- South-central Hudson - eastern half
- St. Roch
- Ungava - eastern half
- Ungava - western half
- West Baffin - northern half
- West Baffin - southern half
- West Brevoort - northern half
- West Brevoort - southern half
- West Clyde - northern half
- West Clyde - southern half
- West Davis - northern half
- West Davis - southern half
- West Foxe
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