Central - eastern half
Marine Forecast
Issued 05:00 AM CST 26 November 2024
Today Tonight and Wednesday.
Wind light becoming northeast 15 knots Wednesday evening.
Temperatures near minus 5.
Issued 05:00 AM CST 26 November 2024
Today Tonight and Wednesday.
Seas 1 metre or less.
Extended Forecast
Issued 05:00 AM CST 26 November 2024
Wind northeast 15 knots increasing to
northeast 25 in the morning.
Wind northeast 30 knots.
Wind northeast 25 knots.
Ice Forecast
Issued 11:00 AM EST 26 November 2024 Today Tonight and Wednesday Open water except 2 tenths new ice along the coast of Southampton
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Weather Conditions
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Ice Conditions
Ice Forecasts
Issued 11:00 AM EST 26 November 2024 Today Tonight and WednesdayIce Edge
First ice edge estimated from Quebec near 5936N 6527W to 5839N 6718Wto 5911N 6858W to Quebec near 6047N 6925W. Sea ice south of the ice
Second ice edge estimated from Quebec near 6228N 7351W to 6240N
7803W to Mansel Island near 6225N 7935W. Sea ice south of the ice
Third ice edge estimated from Mansel Island near 6147N 8012W to
Quebec near 5841N 7836W. Sea ice east of the ice edge.
Fourth ice edge estimated from Ontario near 5124N 7941W to 5510N
8146W to 5717N 8948W to 6242N 8944W to 6156N 8250W to 6403N 7912W to
6402N 7400W to 6251N 7158W to 6104N 6439W to 6200N 6401W then
northeastward. Sea ice west then north of the ice edge.
Ice Coverage
Open water except 2 tenths new ice along the coast of Southampton
No watches or warnings in effect.
Technical Marine Synopsis
Issued 4:45 AM EST 26 November 2024 Today Tonight and Wednesday At 1200 UTC Tuesday ridge located from 64N 69W to 59N 97W.By 0000 UTC Thursday ridge located from 65N 54W to 63N 85W.
At 0000 UTC Wednesday low 1007 mb located at 49N 76W.
By 0000 UTC Thursday low 999 mb located at 52N 80W.
Arctic - Eastern Arctic Area
- Admiralty
- Arviat - eastern half
- Arviat - western half
- Baker
- Barrow
- Boothia
- Byam
- Central Brevoort - northern half
- Central Brevoort - southern half
- Central - eastern half
- Central - western half
- Clarence - northern half
- Clarence - southern half
- Coats - northern half
- Coats - southern half
- Committee
- Cumberland
- East Baffin - northern half
- East Baffin - southern half
- East Brevoort - northern half
- East Brevoort - southern half
- East Clyde - northern half
- East Clyde - southern half
- East Davis - northern half
- East Davis - southern half
- East Foxe
- East Labrador Sea
- Eureka - southern half
- Frobisher Bay
- Hassel
- Igloolik
- Jones - eastern half
- Jones - western half
- Kane - southern half
- Lancaster - eastern half
- Lancaster - western half
- Larsen
- Maclean
- Massey
- Maud
- McClintock
- Mid Labrador Coast
- Navy Board
- Northwest Labrador Sea
- North Labrador Coast
- Norwegian
- Nottingham
- Peary
- Peel
- Pond
- Prince Charles
- Puvirnituq - northern half
- Puvirnituq - southern half
- Queens
- Rae
- Rankin - northern half
- Rankin - southern half
- Regent
- Resolution - eastern half
- Resolution - western half
- Roes Welcome - northern half
- Roes Welcome - southern half
- South Labrador Sea
- South Sverdrup
- South-central Hudson - eastern half
- St. Roch
- Ungava
- West Baffin - northern half
- West Baffin - southern half
- West Brevoort - northern half
- West Brevoort - southern half
- West Clyde - northern half
- West Clyde - southern half
- West Davis - northern half
- West Davis - southern half
- West Foxe
Another Region
- Date modified: