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Lake Manitoba


Marine Forecast

Issued 04:30 PM CST 06 January 2025

Tonight and Tuesday.

Strong wind warning in effect.

Wind north 15 knots increasing to north 20 early this evening then diminishing to northwest 10 Tuesday morning. Wind becoming light near noon Tuesday then becoming southwest 10 Tuesday evening.

Temperatures minus 17 falling to minus 22 near noon Tuesday.

Extended Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM CST 07 January 2025
Thursday Wind northwest 15 knots increasing to northwest 20 in the morning then diminishing to west 10 in the afternoon.
Friday Wind northwest 15 knots diminishing to southeast 10.
Saturday Wind east 15 knots.

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Prairies - Manitoba Lakes marine weather areas Lake Winnipeg South Basin - 45140 Lake Winnipeg North - 45144 Lake Winnipeg Narrows - 45145 Lake Of the Woods - 45148 Carberry Portage Southport Airport Wasagaming Sprague Winnipeg Richardson Int'l Airport Berens River Airport George Island Fisher Branch Gimli Harbour Gimli Grand Rapids Victoria Beach Dauphin Airport McCreary Oak Point Marine Swan River Norway House Airport Kenora Airport Royal Island
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

There is no ice forecast issued for this area.


Warnings (In effect)

Snowfall warning in effect

Lake Manitoba

Issued 3:50 PM CST 05 February 2025 Snowfall with total amounts of 10 to 20 cm is expected through southern Saskatchewan and the parklands and interlake regions of Manitoba.

This system, tracking through the northern US states, continues to bring heavy bands of snow over southeastern Saskatchewan and central Interlake regions of Manitoba Wednesday evening. Light, fluffy snow will rapidly accumulate before tapering off to light flurries early Thursday morning in southern Saskatchewan and Thursday afternoon in Manitoba.

Prepare for quickly changing and deteriorating travel conditions. Rapidly accumulating snow could make travel difficult over some locations. Rapidly accumulating snow will make travel difficult. Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become difficult to navigate due to accumulating snow. There may be a significant impact on rush hour traffic in urban areas. Public Safety Canada encourages everyone to make an emergency plan and get an emergency kit with drinking water, food, medicine, a first-aid kit and a flashlight. For information on emergency plans and kits go to

Snowfall warnings are issued when significant snowfall is expected.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to or tweet reports using #MBStorm.


There is no Synopsis issued for this area. However, on occasion Marine Weather Statements will be posted here.

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