Ontario - Weather Conditions and Forecast by Locations
This hour's hot and cold spots ...
Hot spot in Ontario: 8.5 °C47.3 °F Grenadier Island
Cold spot in Ontario: -18.0 °C-0.4 °F Fort Severn Airport
Hot spot in Canada: 15.6 °C60.1 °F Kentville AAFC, NS
Cold spot in Canada: -31.5 °C-24.7 °F Eureka Airport, NU

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Showing 1 to 75 of 1943 entries
- Aaron Provincial Park
- Aberfoyle
- Abingdon
- Abitibi-De-Troyes Provincial Park
- Actinolite
- Adelaide
- Agawa Bay
- Ahmic Harbour
- Ailsa Craig
- Ajax
- Alban
- Albany River Provincial Park
- Alcona (Simcoe)
- Alderdale
- Alderville
- Alexander Lake Forest Provincial Park
- Alexandria
- Alfred
- Algoma Headwaters Provincial Park
- Algoma Mills
- Algonquin
- Algonquin Provincial Park
- Alice
- Allanburg
- Allenford
- Allen's Corners
- Allensville
- Alliston
- Alma (Wellington)
- Almonte
- Alpine Village (Peterborough)
- Alton (Peel)
- Alvinston
- Amable du Fond Provincial Park
- Amethyst Harbour
- Amherstburg
- Amherstview
- Ancaster
- Angling Lake
- Angus (Simcoe)
- Anten Mills
- Appin
- Apple Hill
- Apsley
- Ardbeg
- Arden (Frontenac)
- Ardoch
- Ariss
- Arkell
- Arkona
- Armow
- Armstrong (Thunder Bay)
- Arnprior
- Arnstein
- Aroland
- Arrow Lake Provincial Park
- Arrowhead Provincial Park
- Arthur
- Ashburn
- Ashdad
- Ashgrove
- Astorville
- Athens
- Atherley
- Atikokan
- Attawapiskat
- Attercliffe
- Atwood (Perth)
- Aubinadong River Provincial Park
- Aubinadong-Nushatogaini Rivers Provincial Park
- Aubrey Falls Provincial Park
- Aurora (York)
- Avening
- Avonmore
- Awenda Provincial Park
- Date modified: