Weather Summaries
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Weather summary for British Columbia issued by Environment Canada at 5:08 p.m. PST Saturday 21 December 2024. Discussion. The following areas will have set a daily maximum temperature record on December 21, 2024 (temperature values given in degrees Celsius): BELLA BELLA AREA (Bella Bella) Preliminary new record of 14.5 Old record of 12.0 set in 1995 Records in this area have been kept since 1977 BELLA COOLA AREA (Bella Coola Airport) Preliminary new record of 9.9 Old record of 7.9 set in 2005 Records in this area have been kept since 1895 ESTEVAN POINT AREA (Estevan Point CS) Preliminary new record of 13.8 Old record of 13.3 set in 1940 Records in this area have been kept since 1908 PORT HARDY AREA (Port Hardy A) Preliminary new record of 11.3 Old record of 10.7 set in 2005 Records in this area have been kept since 1944 PRINCE RUPERT AREA (Prince Rupert) Preliminary new record of 14.8 Old record of 11.7 set in 1960 Records in this area have been kept since 1908 QUALICUM BEACH AREA (Qualicum Beach Airport) Preliminary new record of 13.1 Old record of 11.7 set in 1967 Records in this area have been kept since 1962 SANDSPIT AREA (Sandspit Airport Auto) Preliminary new record of 11.4 Old record of 10.6 set in 1960 Records in this area have been kept since 1945 WEST VANCOUVER AREA (West Vancouver Aut) Preliminary new record of 15.2 Old record of 13.5 set in 1986 Records in this area have been kept since 1976 Note: the temperature records reported here have been derived from a selection of historical stations in each geographic area that were active during the period of record. Please note that this summary may contain preliminary or unofficial information and does not constitute a complete or final report. End/PSPC
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Weather summary for Newfoundland issued by Environment Canada at 5:16 a.m. NST Sunday 22 December 2024. Discussion. The following areas set a daily maximum temperature record on December 21, 2024 (temperature values given in degrees Celsius): PLACENTIA AREA (Argentia (AUT)) New record of 12.5 Old record of 12.2 set in 1954 Records in this area have been kept since 1945 ST. LAWRENCE AREA (St Lawrence) New record of 12.0 Old record of 8.3 set in 2001 Records in this area have been kept since 1966 WINTERLAND AREA (Winterland Branch Hill) New record of 11.7 Old record of 11.0 set in 1993 Records in this area have been kept since 1970 Note: the temperature records reported here have been derived from a selection of historical stations in each geographic area that were active during the period of record. Please note that this summary may contain preliminary or unofficial information and does not constitute a complete or final report. End/NLWO
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No weather summaries at this time.
No weather summaries at this time.
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No weather summaries at this time.
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