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Weather Alerts for: Upsala - Raith


Heat Warning in effect for:
  • Upsala - Raith

A heat event is expected to continue into Sunday. Maximum daytime temperatures of 29 to 31 degrees Celsius are expected, with humidex values approaching 37. Overnight minimum temperatures will be 17 to 20 degrees Celsius. There is a possibility that showers and thunderstorms may keep maximum daytime temperatures a few degrees cooler on Saturday and Sunday for parts of northwestern Ontario. At this time, a cooler and less humid airmass is expected to arrive Sunday night. Extreme heat can affect everyone’s health. The health risks are greater for older adults, infants and young children, pregnant people, people with physical and/or mental illnesses, and people with disabilities or mobility issues. Never leave people, particularly children, or pets inside a parked vehicle. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to or tweet reports using #ONStorm.


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