Sartine Island, British Columbia
Latitude 50.82° N | Longitude 128.91° W
Past 24 Hour Conditions
Date / Time (PST) |
Conditions |
Temperature (°C) |
Wind (km/h) |
Wind chill |
Relative humidity (%) |
Dew point (°C) |
Pressure (kPa) |
Visibility (km) |
04 February 2025 | ||||||||||||||
20:00 | n/a | 1 (1.1) | E 53 gusts 63 | * | 59 | -6 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
19:00 | n/a | 1 (0.9) | E 48 gusts 58 | * | 67 | -5 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
18:00 | n/a | 1 (1.1) | E 43 | * | 67 | -4 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
17:00 | n/a | 1 (1.2) | ENE 39 gusts 48 | * | 67 | -4 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
16:00 | n/a | 1 (1.3) | E 38 | * | 66 | -4 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
15:00 | n/a | 1 (1.4) | E 40 | * | 67 | -4 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
14:00 | n/a | 1 (1.4) | E 42 | * | 65 | -5 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
13:00 | n/a | 1 (1.2) | E 42 | * | 67 | -4 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
12:00 | n/a | 1 (0.8) | E 50 | * | 63 | -5 | 100.9 | n/a | ||||||
11:00 | n/a | 0 (0.1) | ESE 65 | * | 63 | -6 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
10:00 | n/a | 0 (0.1) | E 62 gusts 75 | * | 66 | -5 | 100.8 | n/a | ||||||
09:00 | n/a | -1 (-0.7) | E 74 | -11 | 66 | -6 | 100.7 | n/a | ||||||
08:00 | n/a | -1 (-0.9) | E 74 | -11 | 71 | -6 | 100.7 | n/a | ||||||
07:00 | n/a | -1 (-1.0) | E 69 gusts 80 | -11 | 70 | -6 | 100.6 | n/a | ||||||
06:00 | n/a | -1 (-0.7) | E 63 gusts 79 | -10 | 70 | -5 | 100.6 | n/a | ||||||
05:00 | n/a | -1 (-0.8) | E 64 gusts 75 | -10 | 70 | -6 | 100.6 | n/a | ||||||
04:00 | n/a | -1 (-0.7) | E 62 gusts 75 | -10 | 73 | -5 | 100.6 | n/a | ||||||
03:00 | n/a | -1 (-1.0) | E 67 | -11 | 72 | -5 | 100.6 | n/a | ||||||
02:00 | n/a | -1 (-0.6) | ENE 45 gusts 71 | -9 | 76 | -4 | 100.7 | n/a | ||||||
01:00 | n/a | -1 (-0.7) | E 54 gusts 70 | -9 | 73 | -5 | 100.7 | n/a | ||||||
00:00 | n/a | -1 (-0.9) | E 61 | -10 | 75 | -5 | 100.7 | n/a | ||||||
03 February 2025 | ||||||||||||||
23:00 | n/a | -1 (-1.1) | E 55 gusts 66 | -10 | 72 | -6 | 100.7 | n/a | ||||||
22:00 | n/a | -1 (-1.2) | ENE 39 | -9 | 76 | -5 | 100.7 | n/a | ||||||
21:00 | n/a | -1 (-1.0) | ENE 34 gusts 47 | -8 | 74 | -5 | 100.7 | n/a | ||||||
20:00 | n/a | -1 (-1.2) | NE 33 | -8 | 73 | -5 | 100.8 | n/a |
n/a: not available
This table displays weather elements available for this station
Highest temperature
Lowest temperature
Equal temperature values are all highlighted
This is an automated product, generated using preliminary data.
If you require additional historical weather information, please visit Climate website.
Highlighting criteria
Significant Weather Conditions
To highlight potentially dangerous weather conditions the following are displayed in bold characters:
- Tornado
- Funnel Cloud
- Thunderstorm
- Lightning
- Hail
- Freezing precipitation
- Heavy precipitation
- Any other weather condition, if the visibility is 1.0 km0.6 miles or less
In addition some weather elements are displayed in bold characters when they reach the following values:
- Hot: 30.0°C86°F and higher
- Cold: -30.0°C-22°F and lower
- Values of 3595 and more
- Values of -35-31 and below
- Mean speed of 60 km/h37 mph or more
- Gust speed of 90 km/h56 mph or more
- 1.0 km0.6 miles or less along with the weather conditions
- Date modified: