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Aviation Products

Operational Model Forecasts

Aviation Products
Hr 00z Run 06z Run 12z Run 18z Run
06 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2)
12 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2)
18 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2)
24 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2) 230k (1:2)

xxxk = full size image (1:2) = image scaled by 1/2

  1. 00z Aviation Package {Normally updated between 5:00 and 6:00 UTC}
  2. 12z Aviation Package {Normally updated between 17:00 and 18:00 UTC}

About These Products


Fourth Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) -

Canada is hosting United Nations negotiations in Ottawa April 23-29 to develop a global agreement on plastic pollution by the end of 2024.

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