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Marine Synopsis for the Maritimes

* NOTE: Corrected and/or amended bulletins are listed first *

FQCN10 CWHX 302300
Technical marine synopsis for the Maritimes issued by Environment
Canada at 8:00 p.m. ADT Sunday 30 March 2025 for tonight and Monday.
The next scheduled synopsis will be issued at 3:00 a.m. ADT Monday.

Systems position.
At 8:00 p.m. ADT tonight ridge located from Anticosti Island to
Laurentian Fan.
By 10:00 a.m. ADT Monday departing ridge located east of the
Marine District.

At 8:00 p.m. ADT tonight warm front located from Cape Cod to West
Scotian Slope.
By 8:00 p.m. ADT Monday warm front located from the Gaspe Peninsula
to Banquereau.

FQCN20 CWHX 302211
Marine weather statement for the Maritimes issued by Environment
Canada at 7:11 P.M. ADT Sunday 30 March 2025.

A warm front will approach the marine district from the southwest
tonight and then cross the district on Monday.

Winds will increase to strong southeasterlies over most waters ahead
of the warm front and will reach gale force over parts of the Cabot
Strait and Gulf Magdalen marine districts. Winds will veer to strong
to possibly gale force southwesterlies in the wake of the warm front.

Marine interests are advised that gale warnings are in effect for
Cabot Strait - northern half and Gulf-Magdalen - northeastern half.

FQCN20 CWHX 301805

Marine weather statement for the Maritimes issued by Environment
Canada at 3:05 P.M. ADT Sunday 30 March 2025.

A warm front will approach the marine district from the southwest
tonight and then cross the district on Monday.

Winds will increase to strong southeasterlies over most waters ahead
of the warm front and will reach gale force over parts of the Cabot
Strait and Gulf Magdalen marine districts. Winds will veer to strong
to possibly gale force southwesterlies in the wake of the warm front.

Marine interests are advised that gale warnings are in effect for
Cabot Strait - northern half and Gulf - Magdalen - northeastern half.

FQCN20 CWHX 301241

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