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Marine Forecasts and Warnings for Canada

Choose a coloured marine region for the latest marine weather

Map of Canadian marine weather areas
Pacific - North Coast Pacific - South Coast Pacific - Georgia Basin Prairies - Manitoba Lakes Arctic - Western Arctic Arctic - Eastern Arctic Mackenzie - Mackenzie River Hudson - Hudson Bay Great Lakes - Lake Superior Great Lakes - Lake Huron Great Lakes - Lake Erie and Lake Ontario St. Lawrence - St. Lawrence River Atlantic - Labrador Atlantic - Newfoundland Atlantic - Maritimes




No warning or watch

Tropical Cyclone Statement Tropical Cyclone Statement

Strong wind warning program start and end dates may vary. More details.

 Region(s) with warnings in effect:
 Region(s) with no warnings, watches or advisories in effect:


The Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorology Awards

Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Meteorology Awards Program provides scholarships to students pursuing an education in atmospheric sciences.

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