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Temperature Anomaly Forecast: Day 8 to 14 Outlooks

Temperature anomaly probabilistic forecasts, day 8 to 14 outlook, are produced from the North American Ensemble Forecasting System (NAEFS) database. Forecast probabilities are obtained by member counting in the ensemble in each category. Forecasts are not calibrated (but are unbiased) and they are produced twice a day (00 and 12 UTC) for day 8 to 14.

Those charts represent the probabilistic forecast of temperature anomaly over the NAEFS and the Global domain for each of the 3 categories: Above Normal, Near Normal and Below Normal. For each domain, in the above and below normal categories, links are available for the temperature climatology charts.

Probabilistic charts are enhanced to clearly indicate probabilities (between 0 and 100%) to have above, near or below normal temperature anomaly. The temperature climatology charts indicate threshold temperature values for the above and below normal categories.

Interpretation : Charts | Temperature climatology charts (1979-2010)
View: 3 categories on a single chart

NAEFS Coverage

Above Normal NAEFS Coverage Above Normal

Near Normal NAEFS Coverage Near Normal

Below Normal NAEFS Coverage Below Normal

Temperature climatology charts (1979-2010) above | below normal

Global Coverage

Above Normal Global Coverage Above Normal

Near Normal Global Coverage Near Normal

Below Normal Global Coverage Below Normal

Temperature climatology charts (1979-2010) above | below normal

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