North Okanagan - Past 24 Hours AQHI
Date / Time ( PDT ) |
AQHI | Category |
14 March 2025 | ||
5:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
4:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
3:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
2:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
1:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
00:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
13 March 2025 | ||
23:00 | 3 | Low Risk |
22:00 | 3 | Low Risk |
21:00 | 3 | Low Risk |
20:00 | 3 | Low Risk |
19:00 | 3 | Low Risk |
18:00 | 3 | Low Risk |
17:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
16:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
15:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
14:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
13:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
12:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
11:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
10:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
9:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
8:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
7:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
6:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
5:00 | 2 | Low Risk |
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Add to shortcuts
- Go to the desired page on the site, open the Weather shortcuts menu and click on the "Add to shortcuts" button
- Page name will display in the "Add this page" window, the name can be changed by highlighting the text and entering the desired name.
- Click on the "Save" button to add the link to the list
- Click on the "X" button to close the panel
Delete a link
- Click on the "Organize shortcuts" button
- Select the link to delete
- Click on the "Delete" button to remove the link from the list
- Click on the "Close" button to save the change
Move a link up/down the list
- Click on the "Organize shortcuts" button
- Click and hold the link and move to new location in the list
- Click on the "Close" button to save the change
Rename a link
- Click on the "Organize shortcuts" button
- Select the link to rename
- Click on the "Rename" button and change the link name
- Click the enter or tab key
- Click on the "Close" button to save the change
Keyboard navigation
- Use the Tab key to move to a button or link
- Use the Enter key to click on buttons or links
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- Use the ↓ Down key to select the link below. If none are selected, it will select the last link
- Use the Page Up key to move a selection up in the list
- Use the Page Down key to move a selection down in the list
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Copy/paste or click on the link below then when the page displays, you can bookmark the page using the web browser. Bookmarking your customized list will allow you to access it even if the local storage on your device is erased.
- Date modified: