Cornwall - Air Quality Health Index
2Low Risk
Moderate Risk
High Risk
Very High Risk
At-Risk Population:
- Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.
- Find out if you are at risk
General Population:
- Ideal air quality for outdoor activities.
Tuesday night
Wednesday night
Who is at risk?
People with heart and lung conditions are most affected by air pollution.
To find out if you are at risk, consult the health guide, or your physician.
Visit the national AQHI Web site to learn more about the AQHI.
Did you know...?
Pollutants are absorbed into your bloodstream as you breathe, traveling throughout your body and starting a chemical chain reaction that can affect your heart and other organs.
The AQHI is an initiative between Environment Canada, Health Canada and the Province of Ontario.

Observed ConditionsFootnote †
2 - Low Risk
Calculated at:
12:00 AM EDT Wednesday 26 March 2025
Forecast Maximums
Issued at:
5:00 PM EDT Tuesday 25 March 2025
The AQHI is an initiative between Environment Canada, Health Canada and the Province of Ontario.
- Date modified: