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Weather Information

Use this site to access weather information as layers on an interactive map. An alert table is available below for an alternative view of all active alerts. Learn more about the layers.

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Weather Alerts for Canada

This table displays all active alerts for Canada, with the ability to view alerts by province or territory and searching by alert name, alert type or forecast location.

Select a province, territory or national view

Result forNational view

No Alerts in effect.
Showing 42 alerts
Northwest Territories
Lutsel K'e Region
Apsley - Woodview - Northern Peterborough County
Bancroft - Hastings Highlands - Denbigh
Barry's Bay - Killaloe
Deep River - Whitney - Eastern Algonquin Park
Fraserdale - Pledger Lake
Gogama - Foleyet
Haliburton - Minden - Southern Haliburton County
Huntsville - Baysville
Kaladar - Bannockburn - Bon Echo Park
Kapuskasing - Hearst - Smooth Rock Falls
Kirkland Lake - Englehart
Little Abitibi - Kesagami Lake
North Bay - Powassan - Mattawa
Oxtongue Lake - Fort Irwin - Northern Haliburton County
Petawawa - Pembroke - Cobden
Plevna - Sharbot Lake - Western Lanark County
Renfrew - Arnprior - Calabogie
South River - Burk's Falls
Temiskaming Shores - Temagami
Timmins - Cochrane - Iroquois Falls
Western Algonquin Park - Lake of Two Rivers
Fort William - Shawville area
La Minerve - Rouge River area
La Sarre area
Lebel-sur-Quévillon area
Lièvre River area
Low - Wakefield area
Malartic area
Maniwaki - Gracefield area
Mont-Laurier area
Mont-Tremblant - Sainte-Agathe area
Papineau-Labelle Reserve area
Papineauville - Chénéville area
Rapides-des-Joachims area
Rouyn area
Sainte-Adèle - Saint-Sauveur area
Senneterre area
Témiscaming area
Val d'Or - Louvicourt area
Ville-Marie area


Latest hourly and 7-day weather forecasts for locations across Canada. Plus view local radar and satellite imagery.


Jet Stream

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Weather alerts 24/7 from Environment and Climate Change Canada, your authoritative source. Track lightning and hurricanes using our maps.



The latest alerts and forecasts for marine, sea state and ice conditions for regions across Canada.

Air Quality

Find the latest local air quality forecasts and information.

Analyses and Modelling

Access environmental analysis and model data for different time horizons and application areas as well as geospatial web services.

Past Weather

Canadians and weather sensitive economic sectors can access past weather data, climate normals, historical radar, and climate data.

About Weather

Learn about weather events, health, safety, forecasting tools and services.

Weatheradio stations

Canadian Centre for Climate Services

The Canadian Centre for Climate Services provides Canadians with the information and support they need to understand and reduce the risks from climate change.


New Predicting and Alerting Coastal Flooding Program

Find out about coastal flooding coverage, forecasts and warnings in your region

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