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Weather Information

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Weather Alerts for Canada

This table displays all active alerts for Canada, with the ability to view alerts by province or territory and searching by alert name, alert type or forecast location.

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No Alerts in effect.
Showing 115 alerts
Co. of Northern Lights near Paddle Prairie Smt
M.D. of Opportunity near Chipewyan Lake
M.D. of Opportunity near Peerless Lake and Trout Lake
Mackenzie Co. near La Crête and Buffalo Head Prairie
Mackenzie Co. near the Tallcree and Wadlin Lake Reserves
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Clausen's Landing and Chipewyan 201FG
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Colin-Cornwall Lakes Prov. Park
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Fitzgerald and La Butte Creek
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Fort Chipewyan and Sand Point
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Fort MacKay and Wallace Creek
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Fort McMurray and Anzac
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Gipsy Lake and Whitemud Falls
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Grand Rapids Wildland Prov. Park
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Janvier South and Conklin
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Namur River and Namur Lake Reserves
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Old Fort Chipewyan 201 and 201ABCDE
R.M. of Wood Buffalo near Stony Mtn Prov. Park and Engstrom Lake
Wood Buffalo Nat. Park near Garden River and Thebacha Trail
Wood Buffalo Nat. Park near Hay Camp and Ninishith Hills
Wood Buffalo Nat. Park near Peace Point and Lake Claire
Wood Buffalo Nat. Park west of the Fifth Meridian
Berens River
Flin Flon Cranberry Portage and Grass River Prov. Park
Grand Rapids and Easterville
Hwy 6 between Little Limestone Lake and Ponton
Jackhead Res.
Little Grand Rapids and Atikaki Prov. Park
Manigotagan Black River Res. and Hollow Water Res.
Moose Creek Prov. Forest Pine Dock and Matheson Island
Mun. of Bifrost-Riverton incl. Arborg Hnausa and Hecla
Nopiming Prov. Park
North and South Moose Lake incl. Moose Lake Res.
Norway House
Peguis Res. and Fisher River Res.
Poplar River
R.M. of Fisher incl. Poplarfield
R.M. of Grahamdale incl. Gypsumville Moosehorn and Camper
Snow Lake and Herb Lake Landing
The Pas Cormorant Westray and Wanless
Newfoundland and Labrador
Avalon Peninsula North
Channel-Port aux Basques and vicinity
Clarenville and vicinity
Grand Falls-Windsor and vicinity
Green Bay - White Bay
St. John's and vicinity
Northwest Territories
Ft. Liard Region including Nahanni Butte - Sambaa K'e
Ft. Providence Region including Kakisa - Chan Lake
Ft. Simpson Region including Jean Marie River
Hay River Region including Enterprise
Nova Scotia
Guysborough County
Halifax County - east of Porters Lake
Halifax Metro and Halifax County West
Inverness County - Mabou and north
Inverness County - south of Mabou
Lunenburg County
Queens County
Shelburne County
Sydney Metro and Cape Breton County
Yarmouth County
Clyde River
Rankin Region including Whale Cove
Atikokan - Shebandowan - Quetico Park
City of Thunder Bay
Cloud Bay - Dorion
Dryden - Vermilion Bay
Ear Falls - Perrault Falls - Western Lac Seul
Ignace - English River
Kakabeka Falls - Whitefish Lake - Arrow Lake
Kenora - Grassy Narrows - Whitedog
Red Lake - Woodland Caribou Park
Seine River Village - Mine Centre
Sioux Lookout - Eastern Lac Seul
Timmins - Cochrane - Iroquois Falls
Upsala - Raith
Joutel - Matagami area
LG Quatre - Laforge and Fontanges
Miquelon - Desmaraisville area
Buffalo Narrows and Peter Pond Lake
Candle Lake Prov. Park and Narrow Hills Prov. Park
Cluff Lake Mine
Cree Lake - Key Lake
Cumberland House
Hanson Lake Road between Hwys 165 and 135
Hanson Lake Road east of Hwy 135 including Creighton
Hwy 135 including Pelican Narrows and Sandy Bay
Hwy 165 between hwys 2 and 914 including Pinehouse Lake
Île à la Crosse and Beauval
La Loche and Clearwater River Prov. Park
Lac la Ronge Prov. Park including La Ronge
Montreal Lake and Molanosa
Seabee Mine
Southend - Brabant Lake - Kinoosao
Haines Junction


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The latest alerts and forecasts for marine, sea state and ice conditions for regions across Canada.

Air Quality

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Analyses and Modelling

Access environmental analysis and model data for different time horizons and application areas as well as geospatial web services.

Past Weather

Canadians and weather sensitive economic sectors can access past weather data, climate normals, historical radar, and climate data.

About Weather

Learn about weather events, health, safety, forecasting tools and services.

Weatheradio stations

Canadian Centre for Climate Services

The Canadian Centre for Climate Services provides Canadians with the information and support they need to understand and reduce the risks from climate change.


The Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorology Awards

Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Meteorology Awards Program provides scholarships to students pursuing an education in atmospheric sciences.

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